Bobcat frozen...

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Bobcat frozen...

Post by K4n4y »


this is the second time i encounter this in a couple of days, i don't have much experience with bobcats, only 13 harvested but started to do some missions for them recently.

Twice bobcats freeze after doing them little animation where they play a bit and then stay frozen until shot, longest time i waited was around 45 minutes real time before taking out with a rifle.

Twice it happened while i was standing at the middle tower of logger's point and the 2 cats froze once on the road, the 2 cats frozen :

This last encountered cat stance reported is "walking" but he wasn't he was in the position seen in the 1st screenshot for more than 10mn real time : ... 1007124698

For this last one here it is my position and the cat position, i put a red dot on the map using the binos and put the pointer of the mouse on the map's red dot ( mouse cursor not visible on the pic but it's on the red dot )

Tried to stop and restart the e-caller, used the jackrabbit under 100m, nothing, not sure at 100% but the first one i encountered had a deer fleeing and passing not far from it, yet the cat stayed idle but this can happen even with animals not frozen so i'm not sure yet.

Also it seems to be an issue with the e-caller and bobcats in general, plenty of "meows" all around in many hunts, many spotted visually well under 220m but never ever coming or responding to the e-caller, and there is no hogs or else on the way, clear path open and well seen from the tower, entire game sessions where various cats refuse to come to the calls, restarting the e-caller many times does nothing they just continue them path doing meow's from times to times ...

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Re: Bobcat frozen...

Post by Bort »

I've experienced this once. No idea what causes it. Things like this that happen randomly are virtually impossible to investigate without being able to consistently reproduce the problem.
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Re: Bobcat frozen...

Post by K4n4y »

Got it a third time, i have harvested 32 cats according to my profile, just got the 25 kills achievement a couple of hours ago, so unless i am very unlucky this seems to occur frequently, to me at least p

This time he was coming to the e-caller, then started to make a u-turn, I looked around and there was a pig nearby, i waited for it to go away and the cat started to play the little animation they have, like the 2 others did before freezing, once the pig was away i looked at the cat, he was like in a hunting position but still moving, probably still part of the animation playing, thing i done trying to trigger it to come is turn off & On the e-caller, quickly as i often do, then looked around my tower and picked my glasses and it was there... stuck... waited a bit then took it out with the bow at 60m.

Here it is the location where he was frozen and shot dead, this time not on the road, at least it says " idle " for stance : ... 1007365737

( Had turned down the GFX after the previous mission attempt fail, so frustrated i did not wanted to spend hours on this )

If i ever encounter one and have the patience to look at it for a while i will wait for the animation to start and after he have done his little jumps i will turn the e-caller OFF/ON just to see if there is any link between this, i often turn the caller OFF/ON when i see they are distracted or not coming while in sights with nothing around them, i don't know if this can cause them to be stuck if it happens during the playing animation, or it needs to be combined with being "scared" by some animals before, or it's some other thing(s), but this will need a lot of patience and time to be tested properly.

Anyways i finished the mission pack and had to return to the map because i forgot to pickup my tent and the e-caller, this one frozen was the first i shot, got 2 others a bit later + some other things but i can say that i won't hunt them on purpose for a while, just too frustrating hearing them call all around but none ever coming, up to 4 different "meows" played in less than one minute around the tower once, each from a different direction so there was 4 cats for sure yet after 45minutes nothing, some might be frozen somewhere, or going away while there is absolutely nothing as animals "scaring" them on them way or around like i seen more than once in the little time i hunted them, almost like the e-caller isn't working properly...

Or like the mission before the final one, harvest one fleeing cat, one coming and i let it spook at 8 meters from the tower, it starts to run, i shoot it at 58m with the .243, drops down on spot, it was my first attempt at this mission after going to the map and placing my tent in a previous session, not much wait to get this first male on the top of that, "nice a easy and quick one for once" i am saying to myself on my way to pick it up... It ended as not validated, stance : walking... o_O ? He was running away and shot while in full motion, not even during the little time they make a brief slowdown in them run ???...

At least i got the mission done a couple of attempts after and it was easy, also tried to shoot one while trotting and coming to the jackrabbit caller, apparently this for lynxes count as fleeing, so why not try this, but no dice, anyways next attempt had it as supposed to be done.

Like i said there seems to be too many things not working correctly with the bobcat that i won't bother with them on purpose, unless i encounter one i won't spend my time hunting for them, just too much frustration, i just hop they can poinpoint the issue and fix it one of those days.
Last edited by K4n4y on May 18th, 2024, 8:27 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Bobcat frozen...

Post by Bort »

Have you also reported it here?:
Might help get the developer team on it. I'm not sure they still monitor these forums frequently.
You'll receive a response from official support if you submit a ticket there.
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Re: Bobcat frozen...

Post by K4n4y »

Hi Bort and sorry for the late reply,
wasn't home for the last 6 or so weeks, no access to a PC and almost no net where i was.

Might do this but I'd like to first pinpoint what can trigger this, will need a lot of playtime testing, in particular testing the electronic caller switching it ON/OFF but now with summer temps we have here I'll probably play only the days where it ain't too hot like today and for short hunts, no AC in home so the PC gaming is raising the room temp to something barely bearable in no time :/

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